Tuesday, January 8, 2008

So where am I now?

I haven't been able to push out updates for the past three days. In
fact, I'm hoping that I'll be lucky enough to publish this!

I'm having a great time here in Madhya Pradesh. I've seen the Kalinjar
Fort, stayed at a village(great experience), seen the best of what
Khajuraho has to offer, and ridden in some fascinating jungles.

Currently I'm at a town called Shahgadh. I reached here this evening,
and after this town some ghats start. So need to stop here. This town
has one government resthouse which is full. Courtesy the kind local
hotel owner, I have another opprtunity to use my sleeping bag :-)

With 30 days gone, I have done about 2950km or so. Another 800km
remains to be covered, and that's quite a bit to ride, considering
that I have 6.5 days left AND Sanchi plus Mandu and Bhimbhetka to see.
One of these days I'll have to ride a 200km and some crazy ideas are
cooking in my head, with the most radical one being doing a 24hr ride
at the end of the tour! Which of my ideas I end up executing, time
will tell - or more likely, the terrain will decide!

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